Carl F.
Auerbach, Ph.D.; Vincent Sezibera, Ph.D.; Fabien
Dushimirimana,, B.A; Moise Nkurunziza,, B.A., Isaïe Mihigo, B.A.
University and National University of Rwanda
This qualitative hypothesis-generating study
examines trauma, resilience, and vulnerability in post-genocide Rwanda. The
first study examined resilience in a purposive sample of 20 research
participants. All the partisans had been young children during the genocide,
and both of their parents had been killed during the genocide. The interviews
were analyzed using a grounded theory procedure (Straus & Corbin, 1990),
from which the following theoretical narrative emerged. (1) The loss and
violence of the genocide shattered the participants’ assumptive world. (2)
Based on their educational achievements, they developed a sense of self
efficacy that allowed them to put their traumatic past behind them and develop
a belief in a positive future. (3) Safety, provided by the policies of the
Rwandan government, (4) Connection and mutual support, provided by AERG, and
(5) Ability to regulate fear and anger, provided by their church organizations.
A second study examined a vulnerable group, consisting of a convenience sample
of 12 participants aged from 25 to 79. The following theoretical narrative
emerged. (1) The violence and loss of the genocide shattered the participants’
assumptive world. (2) The participants did not feel protected by the Rwandan
government. (3) The participants felt isolated from their neighbors, whom they
viewed with suspicion. (4) The participants experienced PTSD symptoms triggered
by events they associated with the genocide. These results provide guidelines
for adapting existing quantitative trauma, resource, and resilience scales to a
Rwandan context.
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